Sometimes my kids PLAY IN THE RAIN....
Sometimes THEY stay up way past their bedtime because they are just too cute to put to bed....

Sometimes my kids PLAY IN THE RAIN....
Sometimes THEY stay up way past their bedtime because they are just too cute to put to bed....
Mr. husband really is amazing inside and out. Amazing for instance when he stopped yesterday to help an elderly man who was broken down on the side of the road. The man had a flat and his spare tire was bad as well. This husband of mine took the tire off, took it to Discount tire, had a new tire put on the rim and returned to the elderly man and then placed the new tire on his car and sent him on his way. I can't tell you what joy this man had on his face and gratitude for my husband. I fell in love all over again with this husband of mine and his ability to help. And then I thought about many many years down the road.... when my Reed will one day become an elderly man. I hope and pray that if he is ever in this situation that a young man will come to his rescue. When I think about others and then think of them in a sense that they are someones child and that this mother would want their child taken care of just as I want my children taken care of I cant help but want to do something. I have had times where I try to avoid eye contact with the homeless on the corner, or the person taking 8 years to cross the road when I need to turn right at the light but then as soon as I think of them as someones child I cant help but have love towards them. And to sum it up I know they all are someones child and that is our Father in Heavens child....each and every one of us, even that nasty lady who made that nasty comment to you that one time (she was probably having a bad day and I'm sure didn't mean it).And if that doesn't do it for you to be nice....well I do believe in KARMA.
Sometimes I have those know the ones you can't even blog about because people may just see how imperfect you are... well I am very imperfect and have those days creep up on me from time time. Days I don't feel good enough, days I don't feel liked. Days when things just seem too hectic or overwhelming. Those are the days that I turn to one thing to help me get through it.... I have learned that service for others can do wonders. It doesn't matter if it is doing something special for your husband, best friend or even bringing dinner to a family in need, it just makes me feel good, makes me feel needed and even if I don't feel like anyone likes me I know my Father in Heaven does and I can feel that more as I serve. I challenge you next time on your cruddy day to do something special for someone..even if its your kids, some how it turns me from thinking..."wo is me" to what I can do for someone.... I promise it will make things brighter:)
I read a post on a friends blog and it was just the dose of optimism that I needed.... click HERE to read it.....
I'm going into this upcoming week more focused and goal oriented. Nothing major, just a few things that I feel will help me get more out of my week and enjoy it more. I just sat down and wrote out each day...goals for that day,what to make for dinner and things planned. I wrote down different ideas for activities to do with the kids and chores/projects to accomplish during nap time. I want the TV off in our home and more learning and fun taking place. I hate going to make dinner and nothing comes to mind or I'm missing an ingredient. I hate having a day go by and not feeling like I planned it well enough to really enjoy the day and get the most out of it. I want to sit on the floor and play pretend with the kids because I have set time aside to do so and have balance between all the things that are on the agenda each day. I'm going into this week optimistic that it will be great, rewarding, more structured and less stressful, making me a happier me.
Today I turn 25.... with a husband I love, two kids, a house and a dog I feel blessed. Off to I hop to get cheesecake pancakes with the kids and mr. husband who took the day off work for me idea of a perfect birthday.
Today I caught myself smiling as I was unloading sippy cups and baby bottles from the dishwasher. Although it is a mundane event in my day today I thought about how happy I was to be at this point in my life.....with a dishwasher full of sippies, hand prints on the sliding glass window and spaghetti on the floor. It is wonderful, all that it involves because it is my life, my day, my each and every second that I can either muscle through or enjoy and make the most of. I'm learning to bask in this time of life I'm in and take it for all its worth sippies to unload and all.
p.s. tomorrow I'm one year older and wiser too:)
PLEASE tell me you have been taking advantage of all the new recipes being shared on jenny and my cooking blog at and we would love to post your favorite recipes! just e mail us at
" Karla would you be a nursery teacher?"....... I replied yes when asked but thought about it that night and literally cried. It wasn't a hard cry like it was something horrible, just a disappointed cry. Disappointed that I would not be in relief society, baby free for an hour, be spiritually fed and able to meet new sisters in the ward.
I was really nervous to start in this class of 9 children ranging in ages 18 months to 3years, but today was my first day. I walked into this class and the children came in one by one. The toys were taken out and they began to play. I sat on the floor and watched them play as well as took part in some of the imaginary play going on. We had music time and it was joyful to see them sing about the Savior. Then it came time for snacks and after that was the lesson. I gave a lesson on being reverent and listening to the spirit. I told them that we need to be quiet.... as i whispered, and fold out our arms.... and listen and we could feel the spirit this way and Jesus' love. As I was telling them this I felt the spirit, I had to hold back crying for fear of scaring them, and I could not believe how wonderful this opportunity was to be a nursery teacher. Here I was disappointed when this is the most rewarding thing I feel I could be doing these two hours at church, how lucky I am to have this calling and feel the spirit and be spiritually fed. I feel so blessed to be able to teach these sweet children of Jesus and His love for them and feel that love as I teach. I had my testimony strengthened by these sweet children of God and their sweet spirits. I carried on the lesson by having us jump and wiggle and them I would say 1...2....3... be reverent and we would all stop the jumping and wiggling and be quiet and fold our arms and feel the peace that came in the reverence, they all did so well! And the last part of my lesson was having them all color ears that were strapped to a strip of construction paper and they could wear them as listening ears.... they were all so cute. I can't say how happy and excited I am about my new calling as well as the sister I was called to serve with, she is such an example to me as well. As I was in there I realized how I feel so much more at home and calmer being that I am surrounded by little children. Sometimes I feel in relief society with all the sister in there I get a little nervous and socially awkward but not in here. This left me excited to go home and share more of these moments with my own children, new ideas for play and learning about our Savior and so once again I am taught to trust in Him, and I know I truly will be led to happiness.
A friend to me is a phone call that leaves you feeling whole.
A shoulder that always seems to be there when you need it.
Someone who loves you for who you are.
Somone who is not afriad to be silly with you. Someone who cries with you in the hard times, and laughs with you in the great times.
A friend is someone who just gets you.
A warm embrace. Although I have had friendships that have lasted me years and some besties I have not talked to in ages.... once a friendship is formed and ties are made there is always something special about those friends. Thanks to all my friends over my years whom I still consider besties, from 1th grade to now, I adore you all:)
For my son Reed, I made him a birthday cake for his special day last Tuesday....
Today I did not leave the house,
Today I did not stress.
Today I did not have a play date or even turn my phone on.
Today I enjoyed my children and I smiled A LOT.
Today I felt I did the best I could as a mother.
Today I made dinner but only spent 20 minutes on it. ( crockpot!)
Today I took the nap I always turn down and cuddled next to my 2 yr old.
Today I gave her pink milk, pink eggs, pink apple sauce.
Today I tickled my ONE YR OLD son until he went silly.
Today we hid under tables and ran from room to room.
Today we laughed.
Today my son wore nothing but a dipaer.
And today was another grand and glorious day as a mother to two babies.
Nothing too fancy, no big accomplishment but perfect as could be.
WAS BLISSFUL! We took the 4 hr. drive to Heber Arizona to enjoy the fireworks in cooler weather. Porters parents have a cabin in the area and there is nothing better then a small town firework show. We got there while the sun was still up and porter and I both ran into old friends and some of his family while there. We watched the cousins play,
Elizabeth give aunt Christine "frog kisses" and ate at all the booths set up.
Then the sun started to set. The weather dropped dramatically and we put our sweaters on and got bundled in our blankets. The show was starting and Porter and I lay side by side with baby Reed in the middle. Sweet Elizabeth was on the other side of me with her head on my chest. We were all bundled with blankets and the cold air on our cheeks. Our babies layed perfectly still while the colors burst in the air above. In that moment I could not help but think how PERFECT this moment was. I would not have changed a single thing about it. The fireworks were so close that we could see the ashes falling around us and feel each and every boom and burst. I thought in that moment of perfectness how grateful I am for these moments. How thankful I am for the not so perfect moments as well because it made this moment that much sweeter. Oh how I love my sweet family.