I made this for YOU, yes YOU and I am OPTIMISTIC that you will win it. You should be optimistic too. Since this is my new blog dedicated to turning myself into an optimistic wife and mother to two I made something for YOU. . . (scroll down on how to win)
How to win. . . .
1.I plan to do a monthly give away, become a follower of my blog and you will instantly be entered into each drawing for one opportunity to win each give away every month!!!
2. Place a post on your blog about my give away with the link and you will be rewarded 5 entries( make sure to leave a comment you did so I know). . . but wait if you win and are both a follower and you made a post about this give away then you get the apron and a very special suprise as well!! What is it you ask, well its a suprise but I am optimistic that you will love it:)
This give away will end sunday at 10pm and I will announce the winner on Monday and resume posting daily:) here is another pic of me wearing it just to give another shot of the apron!
Ready to send out to the lucky winner!!!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
my first GIVE AWAY!!! (all are welcome)
for a chance to win go to www.porterandkarla.blogspot.com . It is my new blog I post on daily about being more optimistic. Good luck I hope you win!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Somethin old somethin new,borrowed and blue(day 6)
Notice the bangle bracelet on my wrist and my daughter's (miss priss) blue flowered shirt. . . Today I put on this bracelet that use to be my moms ( who passed away 3 yrs ago) and I put this cute blue shirt on miss priss that use to be mine as a child and I didn't have a thought of sadness. Although I miss my sweet mom more than anything, I had feelings of joy. Joy that I had these special possessions and as I walked hand in hand with miss priss I envisioned my mom and I doing the same about 20 years ago, her with the bracelet and me with the blue shirt. Today I felt blessed to have this small piece of her to hold onto as opposed to dwelling on the void of her being gone. I am grateful to her for preserving these things for me to cherish and still love and miss her with all my heart. I want to say thank you to everyone who is supportive of my new optimistic blog and say that it really has helped me to start being optimistic:)
p.s. my give away starts tomorrow afternoon:)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
A sure laugh (day 5)
Tickling victim #1, time of incident: 9:17 am, location of incident hip flexer Victim #2, saved by his sweet innocence. . . but not for long
and victim #3, yours truly , time of incident 8:26pm, location of incident: under arms
Monday, January 25, 2010
wake me up when its Tuesday a.k.a day 4
So really you could have just woken me up Monday night for our Family Home Evening. For those of my religion or not (L.D.S) I find it so important to take a night out of our busy week to come together as a family. . . with the TV off, our phones on silent and the chores put on hold we come together to spend time as a family. Our Monday nights are special and tonight consisted of us sitting on our FHE blanket ( a blanket with my and mr husbands pics on it that I made for him years ago. . I hope to make a new one with the whole fams pics) and singing I belong to the Church Of Jesus Christ. . . with instruments and marching, a lesson on the Savior and His church, a family prayer, hungry hungry hippo game and ice cream!!! I find it important to let your children see you pray, they learn you believe that Heavenly Father is listening. I know it is important to take time to teach them the things that you know to be true and the things that are important to you so they can grow up with the values you hope they have. I think it is great to play games as a family so they see you having fun and being silly. and of course it is wonderful to enjoy a treat together so you can show what a sweet mom you are. PS A LITTLE OPTIMISTIC BIRDY ONCE TOLD ME THE WAY TO BEING HAPPY IS THRU GIVING. . . SO I WILL BE HAVING A GIVE AWAY ON THURSDAY. . . STOP IN TO SEE, ALL ARE WELCOME TO PARTICIPATE. . . my pessimistic side tells me,"why are you doing a give away, people could care less about your give away." but I am optimistic that you will love the give away I have to offer!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Now that is a dash of optimism day 3
I have never had this happen before. . . . last night I got dinner for today all ready. I took out the crock pot, added the baby carrots, the red potatoes, the onions and the roast then the seasoning. hmmm. . . a little more season will only make it better I thought. . . .
As I took the first bite my mouth felt as if I was drinking Tabasco sauce. I have never had this happen, too much pepper and onion I'm guessing. But I didn't think once about getting my feathers in a ruffle over this I just simply. . . .had more room in my tummy to enjoy this. . . .
another situation turned into something good. . .
and they agree. . . . look for the good not focusing on the bad:)
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Some days you gotta dance for joy day 2
I found it. A special something that I have to look forward to each week that involves taking time out for me. There is a studio here in town that only offers adult dance classes. I tried the hip hop last week and had my butt kicked and now I tried ballet today. Both days I came home with a sense of accomplishment and energy to take on whatever is on my plate. It really put me in a great mood and the rest of the day I had an optimistic outlook. . . .It has taken me until now as a mother to realize there has to be something in my week for me. I highly believe in a family being a strong family unit and spending the majority of their time as a whole but It has taken me this long to realize each person in a family needs to take time to strengthen whatever it is that makes you YOU. If it be a sport a hobby a talent whatever. You then as a stronger self can make the family as a whole that much better. We are now finding something mr husband can do for him . . .
Friday, January 22, 2010
joy in day one. . .
One would think that having to wait 30 minutes to be seated to eat at their favorite pizzeria when it is cold and windy would put a damper on the evening. . . but no, optimism brings joy to all situations and therefore cuddling and holding the ones I love close was a necessity and a joy. And oregano's was well worth the wait.
What I hope 2010 holds for me
This year has already started out very busy. . . . I am determined to have some resolutions, or really as I see them goals, for this new year. I have been procrastinating sitting down and listing them one by one but after this talk by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, The Best is yet to Be, Ensign January 2010"Some of you may wonder: Is there any future for me? What does a new year or a new semester, a new major or a new romance, a new job or a new home hold for me? Will I be safe? Will life be sound? Can I trust in the Lord and in the future? Or would it be better to look back, to go back, to stay in the past?To all such of every generation, I call out, “Remember Lot’s wife.” Faith is for the future. Faith builds on the past but never longs to stay there. Faith trusts that God has great things in store for each of us and that Christ truly is the “high priest of good things to come” (Hebrews 9:11).Keep your eyes on your dreams, however distant and far away. Live to see the miracles of repentance and forgiveness, of trust and divine love that will transform your life today, tomorrow, and forever. That is a New Year’s resolution I ask you to keep."
After reading this I began thinking and I realize that to better myself, my family and my home I need to set some goals so I can be a better person for myself and for my family. so 2010 here you go. . .
1. On time to church! 9am is pretty early with two little ones but I know we can do it. The motivation for this comes from something a bishop said in a ward I was visiting," members come to partake of the sacrament and partake of the spirit that the meeting brings, be respectful and be on time to not disturb those who have been on time to feel of the peace this time brings to their week." I respect that. and since we have been on time this year thus far we have had the spirit stronger during the meeting and that I am indeed grateful for.
2. Make healthier food choices/ a little exercise here and there. . . Yes I would love a smaller booty and slimmer waist but that isn't my reason for this goal. With my mom passing away from cancer before she even became a grandma I realized I want to be here for my husband, children and grandchildren for as long as I can. My priorities are different these days, although a lower number on the scale would make me smile the fact that I am giving my body the nutrients and calories it needs to give me the energy to run around and be happy with wild kids and give my son the nourishment he needs with my milk and this train of thought has brought me happiness and blessing as I am following the word of wisdom closer and being obedient by treating my body with love and respect as Heavenly Father wants me to.
3. a clean house by 5pm with a load of laundry done. . . . although this seems like nothing to some or not important to some it makes a big difference in my home. As Porter comes home from a long day with the stresses of the world I know a clean house to walk into is refreshing and calming. I can see it on his face and feel it in our home. . . peace. and I have realized if I just do one load of laundry a day, wow it is manageable. I cant tell you how overwhelmed a day of laundry can bring!! Me putting clothes in nice piles and Elizabeth throwing these piles everywhere. Or clothes all being washed and then sitting around being mixed with dirty and everything having to be washed all over again. Just simple things to keep me on a schedule and everyone happy!
4. a trip to the Temple every other month. enough said
5. get up early. . . . a am soooo not a morning person. I have been trying to get up a little while before the kids so I have a little time to myself and get a few things done. With both kids being small and very needy I find it hard to do anything some days!!! and a lot of days have been overwhelming but that times gives me a head start.
6. Find joy in the journey. I am very pessimistic. My porter hates it. I will admit it puts me in a bad mood sometimes when I know I have so much to be happy about. If you have not read my old blog ( yes I am now doing 2 blogs, www.porterandkarla.blogspot.com is the other one and is not private but not as personal either) it is now dedicated to being more optimistic and finding something good in each day. It may have some repeats with this blog but oh well.
7. Time out for Elizabeth and Reed daily. Now I know you are thinking what?? Time out in a good way, I need to take time out of each day to spend uninterrupted quality time with each child and teach them new things as well during this time. This is important. I usually am doing 6 other tasks as I stop to dance with Elizabeth or read a quick story or pick her up from a fall just to finish the dishes. Each day each child needs time to have my undivided attention. That's why I stay home, so my children can feel loved and learn and grow from me as their mother and it takes time and energy to do this and I am committed to do so.
8. Save money. . . I usually think oh its only $10 for this or $10 for that but all those $10 things add up. We do not need material things to make us happy, nor do we have the money for such things so I am eating at home more, making things I cant afford and appreciating every $1 we have and watching where it goes.
I know there are so many other things I need to do to better myself but here is my start!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I want that. . .
Today was cruddy weather. . . we went to the mall so Elizabeth could play inside on the jungle gym. She was having a lot of fun when a little girl fell and started to cry, Elizabeth turned and walked up to me saying," she cry, she sad" with tears in her own little eyes. My heart instantly melted as I then started to hold back tears and think to myself," I want that . . . the compassion of a child." I love my sweet girl.
Monday, January 18, 2010
A crappy story. . . must read
As I posted before. . . miss Elizabeth got a new kitchen for Christmas with all the extras. Her favorite thing lately is to have me sit down at the table in her bedroom and she will bring me fake food to eat and cups to drink from, so. . . . . As my Porter returned home from a long day of work I was giving Reed a bath and told him to relax and sit at her table and she will bring you food to pretend eat. . . .
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Christmas 2009
This Christmas was eventful. My Dad and brother, Steve, spent the night Christmas eve and spent Christmas with us!!! My dad bought Elizabeth an adorable pink kitchen and we were all so excited to see her face Christmas morning as she first saw it, but. . . . . we all woke up to find little Elizabeth already down stairs playing with all her gifts!!!! I got the kids matching pjs for the morning. . . blue stripes and pink!
I got him this to shave off his temporary hideoderous mustache.
Elizabeths second birthday party!
We had so much fun celebrating Elizabeth turning two!! The theme was Winter Wonderland and it was a fun filled night! . . . here is my gem right before the party.we had a hot chocolate buffet along with treats, and a soup bowl buffet as well. . .