Welcome to my blog. . . .

I am pessimistict, my husband hates it and sometimes it takes away from the happiness I have all around me and so. . . this blog is dedicated to finding something good in each day and being optimistic.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Hope your day was......

Besides getting all the family laundry done today. We had such a good Family Home Evening tonight. I have been asked by several people to share my FHE ideas so I thought I would tell the details plus I know I will love to go back and read this years from now......

Our family home evening consisted of

Opening song: I am a child of God

Opening prayer: Momma

Lesson: mommy...... The lesson was on examples, Christs example and us being an example to others. I told Elizabeth that Christ is our greatest example and He was baptized to be an example. I told her He is happy and kind to everyone and that should be how we are too. I tried to explain that Reed looks up to her as an example and she should choose the right and listen to momma and daddy so Reed can learn to do it too. I shared my testimony with her and told her that I know Christ walked the earth and that He is our Savior and that Jesus loves Elizabeth very much. To which she replied," Jesus loves momma, Jesus loves Daddy, Jesus loves Reed." (I just about started balling.)

We then sang the song DO AS I'M DOING (FOLLOW FOLLOW ME). I would do actions and be the EXAMPLE and she would follow, then she got to be the EXAMPLE and dance to the song and I would follow. We all had a good laugh at the sweet moves a 2yr old can make.

Closing song: Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.

Closing prayer: Daddy

Game: Hungry Hungry Hippos

Dessert: vanilla ice cream

The night was filled with GIGGLES.... TEACHING... and the sweet spirit:)

4 notes:

Hillary from The Beauty Mark said...

SO sweet. Thanks for sharing!!

Lindsey said...

Very VERY cute. Keep us updated on all your FHE's - I love reading your ideas!

☂niki. said...

this makes me want to have good fhe lessons. thanks for your example.

tHe ApPeLs said...

you are such a cute momma!