There is one thing that is constant and brings optimism into my heart when everything around seems glooomy. One thing that is never changing and is always there. . . . . . .
With Valentines day just around the corner love is in the air. I find it so importanat to remember the most important love. . . the love our Father in Heaven and the love our Savior Jesus Christ have for us. This is perfect love, the best example of love and the ultimate love. We are so blessed to be able to feel and partake of this powerful love. We can feel this love at all times especially by remaining close to our Heavenly Father and Savior. We can have an abundant amount of this love by calling or asking for it at times of trial, weakness, or sorrow. Our Father in heavens' love is always there for us and we can have comfort, peace, strength, hope, truth, knowledge and understanding through Him and His love. I personally know I can feel of His love when I am following the commandments and doing His will. I can remember many times His love was the only thing that gave me comfort or got me through certain days in my life when times were hard or I was weak. I also know His love is there at times of happiness and joy such as the day I was sealed to my husband of the birth of my children. It is His love that makes those moments that much sweeter. I also know as we learn more of Him and His love for us we will better love ourselves and others around us for we all are children of God and He sent the Savior as a testiment of His love to atone for our sins so we could return to be with Him.
In Matt. 22:35-40 we readThen one of them, which was a lawyer, asked [Jesus] a question, tempting him, and saying, “Master, which is the great commandment in the law? “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. “This is the first and great commandment. “And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. “On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” .
As I was baptized when I was 18 I know it was the feeling of constant love that changed my heart and also changed my life. I know as we grow closer to our Father in heaven and feel of His love for us we can have happiness no matter what is taking place in our lives. There is a calmness and constant that comes from His love. I ask you to think back to a time when you felt His love the strongest. I know mine was the day I was baptized and that is a day I look back on and draw strength from when I feel a lack of love or joy. That day is a day I was fully encompassed in His love and I can never forget or turn my back on that truth and love. I suggest you think back to a day you felt His love so strong and keep it close to your heart and fresh in your mind. Think about it often and gain strength from it as well as share that love with others around you. I have a firm testimony that my Savior lives and loves me and through His love all things are possible. Love, me :)
Friday, February 12, 2010
What gets me optimistic every single day. . .
with love
Porter and Karla
11:50 PM
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3 notes:
This was a wonderful post. I was planning on writing something about Heavenly Father's and our Savior's love for us for Day 14 of the love days. You said it perfectly, so maybe I'll skip my version and just link to this. :)
I like this. I like this blog and I like this post. I found myself in the grumpiest mood this morning and I'm not even sure why... pregnant and hormonal? Maybe. Whatever it is, I feel better now. I'm going to do my yoga and face this day with a better attidude thanks to you!
That was a great post!! It is hard to stay optimistic sometimes, but the Savior is there for us! Thanks for this post!!
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