Welcome to my blog. . . .

I am pessimistict, my husband hates it and sometimes it takes away from the happiness I have all around me and so. . . this blog is dedicated to finding something good in each day and being optimistic.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Excuses, excuses. . .

I feel like having your kids sick will get you out of anything really. That was us today, my babies were sick. Little man only had a runny nose but miss priss had a 102 temp and a cough that makes you want to stay away. It is ALWAYS harder to take care of kids when you feel cruddy and are sick yourself, and that was today. . . . .

I use to think of sick days as the worst of all days, but today changed my mind a little bit. There was of course the 4pm melt down where little man, and miss priss were screaming and crying and I was at my breaking point, but I now built up just a little more endurance for the next meltdown. . . . right? Today I looked at the opportunity it gave me. . . I was not obligated to do the laundry, dishes or make the bed. I did not feel the need to have a playdate or run errands or even get ready. No, today I had a perfectly good excuse to pay 100% attention to my kids who needed me most. I had an excuse to keep us all in p.js all day and lie in bed reading books. I had an excuse to hold Elizabeth and watch sleeping beauty 3 times. I had no sense of other obligations as little man took a nap on my chest because that is where he was comfortable. Today, as crazy as it seemed, I would not have traded for anything. I forced me to slow down and focus on what is most important and for that I am greatful. Wish us all well.

4 notes:

David and Shalynna said...

If you asked me one of my top three favorite things to do it's staying in pajamas and reading and watching movies all day with David. Can't wait to do with with Oliver when he's older... (who am I kidding? I do it with him already now that I stay home. But I promise I don't stay in pajamas all the time :).

Shannon said...

Okay, now if only I looked that good after an entire day of sickness and jammies! :) Glad it turned out to be what you needed, I like those snuggly days as well, even if there is a bit of sickness in the mix!

McKayandLani said...

How fun. It reminds me of what snow days would be like. You stay at home bundled up inside all day. I wish we got those, but sick days are good as long as it is not doctor worthy.

Karla, I have had fun looking through all your posts! You are doing great at posting so often!

I hope you all get better soon!

TrishAnderson said...

Nice day. Way to look at the positives of day.