Welcome to my blog. . . .

I am pessimistict, my husband hates it and sometimes it takes away from the happiness I have all around me and so. . . this blog is dedicated to finding something good in each day and being optimistic.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

This week....

I love the weeks that leave me excited for the week ahead, the weeks that things are on the up and up and you feel like your head is on straight. Last week was good......

      Since I have been having these darn health issues I just have been a little out of the sorts you could say. Last week my breathing was not nearly as labored as weeks previous and my energy was back to almost normal. I was getting so depressed that when the day was 1/2 was done I was spent and had no energy or motivation to accomplish anything. I felt so bad especially for my sweet babies. But not last week no, I was able to feel good and had fun making dinner, playing outside with the kids and finished Elizabeth's snow white costume. And the icing on the cake came Saturday night when I went to a church activity especially for women, or as I felt, especially for me. It's called Woman's broadcast and we hear from the Prophet and leaders of our church. I felt inspired, I felt important, and most of all my faith was strengthened.  I loved hearing our prophet, Tomas S. Monson speak to us all on judgment. He told of a man who was not pleasing to look at and a particular trail he had in his life when he came to a town to receive medical treatment for the abnormalities on his face. He spoke of his difficulties finding somewhere to stay when he traveled for these treatments and that he even would have been happy to settle sleeping on a rocking chair on someones porch. There was one woman who was able to look past his outer appearance and see his inner greatness and was more than happy to let him stay at her inn as he traveled through this area. Our prophet then told of her going to a green house years later; there was the most beautiful flower planted in a rusty old pot. This woman asked her friend," Why do you have that beautiful flower in a rusty old pot?" the woman replied," I ran out of pots and knew this beautiful flower would not mind spending a little time in this pot." This flower stood taller and more beautiful then all the flowers around regardless of the pot. President Monson then told of how he could imagine this man being sent to Earth in his rusty old pot but our Father in heaven knowing of the beautiful flower that harbors inside regardless of the appearance of the pot. I loved this and needed to hear this.
      After the broadcast ended there was some socializing and it was so nice to sit and talk with friends. I am learning how powerful we can be. How powerful our words are. I am realizing that we posses the opportunity to make or break someones day and that we can have a daily affect on someone if we just take the time to do so. Sometimes all someone needs is a little love, or help, or to feel accepted or to know someone cares. It is a wonderful feeling is it not? I don't think we can ever over do caring. The quote that was stressed that evening was "Charity NEVER faileth" and how true it is. Throughout this past week or two since I was MIA for a bit not feeling good I was amazed at how many women either called, texted, e mailed or came and asked how I was. I can't tell you how good it felt to have others care and want to know how I was. It has inspired me to reach out to others. See how they are. Sit by someone I don't know and get to know them or even do a little service for someone I care about. I am also learning not to forget to compliment or show  I care to my friends and family. I think sometimes we get in the rut of things but friends love to hear when you think they have done something good, or that you care. Husbands need to be reminded you are their biggest fan and think the world of them and that they are amazing for fixing the toilet and of course our sweet children need to be praised daily for the wonderful  little people they are. Just last week Elizabeth decided her name was going to be "Hannie". I have never heard this name neither has she, she just made it up! It was so cute and she would not let me call her anything else. Reed is growing like a weed and walking! He loves it and the two of them play a lot more now that he is walking. The weather is cooling down, life is falling a bit more into place and I am ready to take this week and focus more on my scriptures, my prayers, my family and my blessings....
a few other things I wanted to write so I can come back and read:
do not spend money for that which is of no worth, don't spend time on that which is unimportant and most of all there is no greater success then success in the home.
And I hope anyone reading this knows I am not giving advice but just documenting this for what I know I need to hear and come back to read and remind myself:)
And here is Elizabeths Snow white dress.... I still need to make the cape thingy she wears:)

2 notes:

Brenden+Nikki said...

I'm glad you're feeling better Karla! And I love reading about all the things you are learning. You were already a beautiful person but you are literally blossoming! Thanks for sharing what you're discovering about life.

Diana Smith said...

You have such a cute blog! and seriously how talented are you for making that adorable dress! I hope things get better and Relief Society Session was amazing! Can't wait for Conference Weekend.