Welcome to my blog. . . .

I am pessimistict, my husband hates it and sometimes it takes away from the happiness I have all around me and so. . . this blog is dedicated to finding something good in each day and being optimistic.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Victory is MINE. . .

I woke up to a child crying, I glanced at the clock as it read 6:03am. It was little man from across the hall. As I lifted my head it felt. . . nice, no congestion, no throbbing, no pain. I went to feed this little hungry boy with a smile across my face. As soon as he was done I go to lay my head back down. I glance at the clock it is 6:25am. My comforting bed, my place for peace, my place to ponder as I drift away to slumber, my place to dream my dreams. I close my eyes. I woke up to crying, i glanced at the clock as it read 6:50am. It was miss priss from down the hall. My kids never wake up this early, but it was okay because I felt better and I had a good nights rest. The day continued with us all showered, fed and ready by 9am. Oh how getting ready for the day makes me feel prepared for whatever comes. A play date, I'm ready. Someone stops by, I'm ready. Someone needs help in some way, I'm ready. Emergency big or small, I'm ready. Although days don't usually start off this well today made me want to strive to have more days start out this way. Prepared. The rest of the day went like a normal weekday. Library time for Little miss, a trip to Costco, salmon, broccoli and potatoes for dinner and a handful of melt downs from each child of mine. Today was different in that sense though. This past week as I have been sick as children have had a melt down I have had a melt down. But not today, I felt good, I felt in control of today and as they both started crying I oddly caught myself smiling. Not smiling that they were unhappy or that they were crying but smiling because I still had peace during this storm they were brewing in my living room. With calmness I was able to comfort them both and bring peace back to my home. For this I am thankful for this past week of sickness. Thankful that as I woke up feeling better I was excited to start my day even if it was with a child crying. Thankful that I could go to Costco and prepare my family for the week with the groceries we need and thankful for peace during chaos. I had been striving all week for this calmness and peace and was thankful to have it this day. I don't think I would have even appreciated the little things in this day if I had not gone through a hard week. And for that I am ironically thankful for hard weeks, days or times because they make the simple good moments great, and the great moments become priceless.

3 notes:

Lindsey said...

I totally needed to read this today. I need to hit the reset button :)

Thanks Karla.

Ashley Smith said...

I had a good day like this today! It really makes such a difference being able to get up, shower and be ready for the day! Love you girl- you are such a good example!

Cam and Mele said...

Days like thus day are the best!
Isn't it funny how nothing overly exciting may have happend, but just being ready and having that sense of order just makes everything seem so pleasant?

Ps thanks for commenting on my blog. I've been trying to ever since on yours but for some reason couldn't until tonight. :)