Welcome to my blog. . . .

I am pessimistict, my husband hates it and sometimes it takes away from the happiness I have all around me and so. . . this blog is dedicated to finding something good in each day and being optimistic.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Money money money money. . . .money

Oh dwindling savings account. . . how you can make my optimism turn sour. The recession has not hit our family hard but adding another baby to our family this year kinda has. Having the cost of health insurance to pay and an extra mouth to feed ( he has digestive problems and his formula is $20 for 12 oz of powder!!(he is half breastfed and half formula fed) not to mention another little body to clothe and all the baby essentials a little one needs. Sometimes bills and finances get me down. As mr. husband and I were going over bills for the month I was very proud of myself for the optimism I had during this discussion as he was getting a little frustrated. We have all our bases covered, there is enough to go around plus some but of course it would be nice to see a little more going towards savings or paying off whatever. It is times like these that what is really important is not forgotten. Is our family healthy. . .CHECK. Do we have a roof over our head. . . CHECK. Is there food enough for the next day. . . CHECK. Does my husband have a secure job. . . CHECK. Last but not least are we happy. . . most definitely YES. That is all that matters. Yes bills are stressful and overwhelming but it all works out one way or another, it always does. Yes we are learning to work together and achieve financial goals and yes sometimes they seem light years away but at least we are making our best effort. We have to experience the hard times to recognize the good times. And being upset does not change anything. I am grateful for our family and all that we do have and we will work on the rest together, mr. husband and I. (p.s. he was still upset until I read this to him and and after I looked at a happy husband who gave me a sweet kiss and said "thank you".) Oh how optimism can affect those around you. . . SO BE HAPPY!

4 notes:

Heather (wife, mom) said...

thanks for that Karla. I often stress over money (like the few days before every payday) and have to constantly remind myself that there are MANY people in the world that are much less fortunate than us. And yes, being happy is what truly matters :)

Alexa Mae said...

oh i ♥ you and admire you for this blog your doing. you're the best. xoxo

TrishAnderson said...

Great post. I love to see your optimism grow.


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