Welcome to my blog. . . .

I am pessimistict, my husband hates it and sometimes it takes away from the happiness I have all around me and so. . . this blog is dedicated to finding something good in each day and being optimistic.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Special story #1

Well this is a very personal but very important story to me.I hope others who read these special stories of mine that I share can read them respectfully and grow as well from my testimony that I love to freely share. So here it goes Since Reed has been born I have felt like I would not mind having another baby really soon. I know I am crazy right? I just keep thinking I should and I defiantly want to follow any feelings I have regarding my children because I would rather have 20 kids then feel like someone is missing. So I started to stress about it because I was going to the Dr. for my post partum check and wanted to discuss the complete opposite of having another baby. So i felt really confused and decided to say a prayer. I knelt down with Porter in prayer and asked for guidance. Porter and I turned to the scriptures afterwards like we do every night before bed to read together and the verse came up in D&C 5:30 where Joseph Smith is translating and is told(thou shalt stop for a season, even until I command thee again) and as I read this I felt the spirit and at that moment I knew that was what I was to do. . . stop for a season. I was overwhelmed with comfort. I am just so grateful to have a Father in Heaven who loves me and cares about me and who personally knows me and wants me to be happy. I know if I follow what He desires for me to do I will have the most joy possible here on earth. I am also glad I will not have 3 car seats to load:) so who knows when the next Williams baby is headed our way but I feel at ease knowing we may be waiting for number 3. Now the real test of faith would be me suprised pregnant. . . not planning on that though.

2 notes:

Christen said...

I'll tell you this. You never know what the Lord has coming for you. Noah and I were talking about adding another child to our family and we thought it felt right, but I thought we needed to wait a little longer. Well, God knows best and that is why we have our little surprise on the way. It's so comforting to find our answers through a simple scripture or prayer. I love the peaceful feeling we receive from the Holy Ghost when our answers are confirmed.

Branden & Jamie said...

Karla, You have a sweet spirit. I'm grateful that we're friends! I love your new blog.